WATCH wants to rebuild after coronavirus with renewables

WATCH members have repeatedly expressed concerns about the National COVID-19 Coordination Commission (NCCC), particularly the large proportion of NCCC members who are affiliated with the fossil fuel industry and the Commission’s intent to focus on a gas-driven economic recovery. Well done to Jill Coghlan for her submission to a parliamentary inquiry into the NCCC and…

WATCH submission on the Energy White Paper

The government called for submissions on its ‘Energy White Paper’, which looks at Australia’s prospects and plans for Energy resources and use for ‘the future’ – the next 20 – 30 years.  As might be expected, the general direction of this government is towards increasing use of fossil fuel resources, and expanded economic growth, with…

Submission on Australia’s emissions reductions target

On behalf of WATCH I sent this submission to the Climate Change Authority, which is currently considering Australia’s emissions reductions target of 5% on 2000 levels by 2020. The CCA is of the opinion that this target needs significant strengthening, to between 15 and 25% less than 2000 emissions levels, which is an encouraging position;…

Senate enquiry on Extreme Weather

In a few days time a senate enquiry will start looking at submissions and considering “Recent trends in and Preparedness for Extreme Weather Events”. The following submission was submitted on behalf of WATCH, written by myself, David Macilwain:-   Submission to Senate Enquiry on Extreme Weather, trends and preparedness.     I make this submission…