WATCH missing in action?

Visitors to our website might have noticed fewer posts this past year or so. This is because many of us have been focused on the Adani Carmichael coal mine. If the mine proceeds it would be Australia’s single biggest contributor to climate change and the equivalent of adding a new country with emissions 1.5 times…

Climate Conversations Workshop

Saturday 29 October, 1.30-3.30pm, Sustainable Activity Centre, Wodonga. Talking about climate change can sometimes feel more taboo than sex, religion and politics. If you’d like help manoeuvring those tricky moments, come along to our climate conversations workshop. It’s facilitated by experienced psychologists from Melbourne’s Psychology for a Safe Climate. Please RSVP by Wednesday 26th October…

You’re invited to our wedding of the year!

Did you know that big polluters have handed $3.7 million to the major parties since the last election? And that our Government will give them $7.7 billion in subsidies this year? We must stop the flow of money that is propping up the fossil fuel industry. At 12.30pm on Friday 20 May WATCH will join…

300 attend Wodonga March in March

Well done to the 300+ locals who attended the Wodonga March in March rally last Sunday. Climate change, the environment and asylum seekers featured prominently. A ‘Statement of No Confidence’ in the Liberal National Party Coalition Government was approved during the gathering and tendered in Parliament on 17 March. This document asserted that many decisions…

Join the Wodonga March in March rally

This rally is part of the national March in March movement to express dissatisfaction with the Abbott Government. March in March has been organised by grass-roots groups using primarily social media. It involves a number of rallies and marches across Australia between 15-17 March, including those in Melbourne, Canberra, Mildura, Warrnambool and Castlemaine. If you…